How To Use Manifestation In Business

If you want to intentionally create things in life it really starts with having a vision for what you want it to look like. Imagine if you got in the car with your girlfriend, you were going on a road trip has a GPS in front of you. But instead of putting in details in the GPS, you’re like ‘let's just drive and see where we end up’. You might get somewhere interesting. Or you might end up nowhere. It's like when you don't have that clarity of where you want to go, you're never going to get there succinctly. That's why it's so important in manifesting to have a vision and what is that you want to create.

With my clients, I always tell them to make your vision for something it's feasible in the next 3 to 6 month. It's totally fine to dreams bigger than that. You'll find that you have a lot more success if you break down your big goals into smaller goals and almost reverse engineer it. So if you had the goal of making 100k year, what's a goal that you could hit before that. This seems more realistic to your mind. I'm not saying you shouldn't dream big, but you have a higher chance of achieving success if it's something that seems realistic your mind.

My manifestation process is really simple because I believe manifestation is simple. People make it out to be like this woo woo crazy mystical thing, and it is magic. But at the same time, it's just showing your brain a goal. Your brain is a heat-seeking missile when it comes to goals. You give it a direction, and it just wants to go to that thing. Whatever you focus on expands. It's so important that what you're focusing on is what you actually want.

We have the thing in your brain called the reticular activating system and this is hardwired to show you how to reach whatever you're focusing on most. Your brain is picking up 2 million bits of data every second but your conscious mind can only process 126 of those. The reticular activating system is really what shows your mind what's important to you. It's like you highlighted something as being like ‘this is what I want to work on’ and then your reticular activating system will go around and decide what's important for you to know based on your goals

95% of your behaviour comes from your subconscious, so your subconscious is the feeling part of your mind. It's the part of your mind that goes on autopilot. It's what keeps your hair growing, it’s the way to keep your heart beating. It would be really annoying to have to focus on those things all the time or to tell your eyes to blink every time you wanted to blink. So that's why your brain and was works like a computer in that has these programs built into it that are designed to help just keep things running. But it doesn't just work for your hair and your skin in your heart it also works for you believe and the projection of reality  is all based on what you believe to be true.

So that's why when we manifest it's so important to be focusing on what we want. The thing that we focus on is what we're just going to get more of. So my recipe for manifestation is I decide what I want, I figure out how am I going to feel when I get there. You only want the thing because of how you think it will make you feel. You want more money cause you think it'll make you feel secure. You want a relationship because you think it'll make you feel loved. You want success because you think it will make you feel happy. I'm not saying that any of these feelings our goals are wrong. I’m just saying that we need to focus on what do you think the feeling is of that thing is and how can you start feeling that thing now.

When you start to feel it and when you start to embody it, now the thing has to be drawn to you.  Next, I like to imagine the version of myself that has that thing. What does she believe? How does she feel? What does she think? What is she doing? How can I start embodying those habits now? Then after that, once you combine the feeling and embodiments then that's when the thing is able to show up in your life.

When your subconscious is blocking you that's when we need to start doing the work in there to understand why. Life is meant to be in flow it's meant to be easy. I'm not saying that hard things don’t happen, but when you are in the flow and you unblock yourself and your pie self were your confidence things flow you so much easier than if you're efforting and struggling.


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