6 Tips To Overcome Anxiety

If you’re anything like me, you’ve struggled with anxiety at some point in your life. When you’re anxious, you’re living in a projected vision of the future that’s not based on any real evidence though. Your mind doesn’t know this though and responds to the stimulus the same as if those projected stories are actually happening.

I used to suffer from crippling social anxiety at one point in life. So believe me, I get it. I’d be so terrified to walk into any social gathering, convinced everyone was going to hate me. The idea of putting my business out there and promoting myself gave me the chills. This doesn’t happen to me anymore though! I’ve healed this and you can as well.

The same way your mind responds to a negative suggestion, you can give it a positive suggestion. Here’s 6 ways that RTT can help you beat anxiety.

  1. It helps you get to the root cause of understanding WHY the anxiety is there. At some point, your mind decided this was an effective coping mechanism to keep you safe. We can help understand when this happened and rewrite the meaning.

  2. Being in hypnosis is deeply relaxing. When you listen to your recording it helps you set your day up right when you listen first thing in the morning, and slows down racing thoughts before bed.

  3. It can help manage your stress, by helping you change your coping mechanisms to stress and setting you up for a positive internal dialogue.

  4. Your mind responds to two things, the words you say and the pictures you make. In your session, we can imprint positive visuals and languaging for a calmer mind.

  5. Analysis of the root cause of your anxiety is extremely beneficial for lessening the effects of it in your present day. When we can understand WHY our mind created the meaning it did from certain events, we can create a new meaning for ourselves.

  6. If your anxiety comes from a specific phobia or fear(like public speaking or flying), we can understand where the root cause of the phobia originated, and imprint new beliefs that will remove the charge of that phobia.


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