3 Ways Hypnotherapy Can Help Make More Money In Business

What are your patterns around money like? Do you save it relentlessly, then feel guilty for any dollar spent frivolously? Do you attract a lot, then get a huge bill that takes it all away? Or maybe you feel like you work non-stop, but have nothing to show for it once your bills are paid.

Our patterning around money comes from our primary childhood caregivers. Maybe the stories you heard around the dinner table went something like this: ‘Rich people are assholes.’ ‘Money is the root of all evil’.

As a child, we’re walking around in a hypnotic brain state absorbing everything about being a human and the world around us. So the words we heard about money, and the actions of how it was treated become imprinted on us. Generally from our primary caregiver of the same sex. Think of your mum(if you identify as a woman) and what her attitude and habits around money were. Are your similar today?

The good news is, if you don’t like the stories you have around money, you can change them! Here’s 5 ways RTT can help you make more money.

  1. By understanding where your money blocks came from, and what they are. Understanding in hypnosis is powerful. When you can understand the subconscious stories you’re running about money, you can see why these patterns show up.

  2. Through RTT you can raise your confidence and self worth, which will allow your to charge more, ask for that raise, start that business, etc. At the heart of having an abundant money story is having high self worth. When you feel deserving of it, it makes room for it to come in.

  3. RTT can help you get motivated to take action on what you need to do to make more money. You always need to take action to make your dreams happen, and RTT can help uncover where your self sabotage is coming from.

The basis of raising your income is raising your self-worth and deservingness, taking action on your dreams and plans, and uncovering what limiting beliefs are blocking you from having more money. RTT can help you with all of these.


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