Struggling With Motivation? Here’s 4 Tips To Help

Even the best of us feel the pull of lack of motivation at times. I think sometimes as a society we glorify being busy so much at times, when really we should honour our need to rest. Sometimes lack of motivation is just one step away from burnout. But, if you have rested, and you want to get back to achieving your dreams but you can’t seem to get the energy, what do you do?

  1. Identify WHY! Is it because you believe nothing you do makes any difference anyway? Are you procrastinating because if you don’t try, then you can’t fail? Get to the root cause and do some self-exploration on this one. Journal on what limiting beliefs you might have around what you’re trying to accomplish.

  2. Use the 5 Second Rule. The rules states you count down from 5 to 1, and then on 1, you have to do the thing. Whether it’s getting out of bed when your alarm goes off, have a difficult conversation, or just get your booty to the gym. No negotiating with yourself. 5 seconds and you just have to do it. Read Mel Robbins’ book by the same title for a more in-depth explanation.

  3. Try doing less. Say what? When you look at an endless to-do list it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. But start putting fewer things on the list. Like just 3 things. Our brain is trained to be rewarded when we accomplish what we set out to do. This way you set yourself up for success, you feel good about yourself, and that in turn helps you to feel MORE motivated. For tasks that I really don’t feel like doing, set a timer. Tell yourself you only need to do XYZ for 5 minutes. Once you start you get into the flow, and it’s easy to keep going.

  4. Use empowering language around what you need to do. Tell your mind you LOVE going to the gym. That eating healthy good THRILLS you. That you’ve chosen to do this, and you love it. When your mind knows you have chosen to do the thing and you love it, it releases resistance around doing it.

Sometimes it goes deeper than this though. If you feel like a constant lack of motivation or procrastination is a continually presenting issue in your life you could be self-sabotaging on a subconscious level. The mind does this when it thinks it’s keeping you safe from going after your dreams. An RTT(Rapid Transformational Therapy) session can help you uncover the root cause of your lack of motivation and change it for good.


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